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Re: Clobberin' Time...

SubjectRe: Clobberin' Time...
Date09/17/2001 17:20 (09/17/2001 08:20)
FollowsJames Trory
FollowupsJames Trory (8h & 40m) > Cryofax
Celaeno (1d, 7h & 37m)

James Trory <>wrote in message

James Trory
This is all just revenge talk and not constructive. You cannot fight terrorism like that.

Well I guess since the bombing of Pearl Harbor spurred us to WWII that entire conflict was "revenge" and not constructive? If striking back after an enemy attack is "revenge" then I guess it is revenge.

Flattening a city will not do any good, simply because these terrorists hide in remote places that are inaccessible or simply undetectable. You don't think they go walking around with an "I am a terrorist" t-shirt on do you?

The point is to punish the country that harbors and aids the terrorists. Punishing the terrorists themselves is a seperate, though equally important issue. But making countries afraid to help terrorists for fear of retribution is most certainly constructive.

Different terrorist groups have different ways of hiding, depending on which country they're in. In Ireland, members of the IRA go around as regular people most of the time. Damn, you could go to London and meet a very nice Irish man, drink a few beers with him and thinks he's a great guy. The following day he's just blown up a bar in the centre of London on behalf of the IRA. Fighting terrorism requires a huge amount of careful surveillance and gathering of information


not fire power.

We need both.

You've got to be careful who you're shooting at before you shoot at 'em. Cake has nothing to do with it. Why do you suppose terrorist groups in Ireland still exist? Because it's so damn hard to detect them.

Nobody is suggesting punishing anyone who is not actively helping/harboring the terrorists.

May I also say something about nationality, and I hope everyone reads this bit: Why is it okay to go to Afghanistan to blow up civilians in the hope that America will hit a few terrorists, but it wouldn't be okay (I am assuming) to do the same to Ireland? Is it because a lot of Americans have Irish family and heritage? Not many of you have Afghani family or heritage, right? Well then shit, that's okay. Bomb the crap out of them!

Again, you miss the point. It is to punish a country actively helping the terrorists, not just bomb a country where terrorists hide out in the hope of hitting one. The terrorists are hiding in Ireland but it is not government policy to fund and help them. The Taliban is a supporter of Bin Laden. Completely different situation. If Ireland had a state-sponsored terrorist program against us we'd be ready to level some Irish cities.

- Cryo

James Trory (8h & 40m) > Cryofax
Celaeno (1d, 7h & 37m)