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RIP: The WTC and the victims

Sean Walsh
SubjectRIP: The WTC and the victims
FromSean Walsh
Date09/11/2001 19:22 (09/11/2001 19:22)
FollowupsPrincess Buttercup (1h & 24m)
Skuzz (10h & 28m)

Y'know, every time I see those two building collapse, I'm reminded of that movie Armageddon, where the meteors are crashing through the WTC buildings.

And the sight of that plane crashing...

Jesus, I thought *maybe* I could write a light-hearted message about this, but there's no way...

I'll just repost something I posted at another newsgroup a while ago:

It took a while for me to remember this newsgroup is a WWF newsgroup. But, as I've learned , there's lots of shit in this world more important than wrestling.

I sadly learned that 2 people I used to work with were on the first plane that went into the World Trade Center. This has hit home far too closely to even imagine.

My thoughts and prayers are with the lost and their families.

And I honestly hope, pray and believe that the cocksuckers responsible for this will soon be toiling and suffering in the deepest bowels of Hell.



Princess Buttercup (1h & 24m)
Skuzz (10h & 28m)