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Re: The WTC and the victims

SubjectRe: The WTC and the victims
Date09/12/2001 02:41 (09/11/2001 20:41)
FollowsPrincess Buttercup

On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 13:46:53 -0500, "Princess Buttercup" <>telepathically conveyed:

Princess Buttercup
"Sean Walsh" <>wrote in message

Sean Walsh
Y'know, every time I see those two building collapse, I'm reminded of that movie Armageddon, where the meteors are crashing through the WTC buildings.

And the sight of that plane crashing...

Jesus, I thought *maybe* I could write a light-hearted message about this, but there's no way...

Princess Buttercup
Somebody on NBC just compared the attack with ID4. And that is what I keep thinking when I see the footage.

It's weird, the thing that popped into my mind as I'm sitting watching the news was the Spiderman trailer. It's like, now, if the scene from the trailer with the helicopter getting stuck in the web is in the movie, it's going to be so weird to see that.

My mom was watching this one broadcast from this morning when everyone was trying to get out of the area and she said it looked like a Godzilla movie. It's too bad we don't have some giant moth or lizard watching the coast, it'd be more useful than air traffic was today.


Still in the anger stage...


remove MyHelmet to e-mail me. I want to look upon your e-mail... with my own eyes... *wheeze*

--Anywhere my computer hangs is home