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Re: Clobberin' Time...

Paul \"Duggy\" Duggan
SubjectRe: Clobberin' Time...
FromPaul \"Duggy\" Duggan
Date09/16/2001 09:16 (09/16/2001 17:16)
FollowsCurtis Marquez
FollowupsWes Hutchings (12h & 3m)

On Wed, 12 Sep 2001, Curtis Marquez wrote:

Curtis Marquez
There is nothing we can do for those Americans lost so far. Hitting all terrorist groups now though will help to insure the safety of Americans and every other countries citizens.

Or it will create martyrs and more enemies in foreign countries. It will justify their view that America is a tyrant and a bully and cause *more* terrorist acts.

I'm not saying that America deserved this, but retaliation will only increase the problem.

Innocents are always going to be hurt in any war and this is war. This would be like what my grandfather told me about fighting. Try to avoid a fight, but if you get in a fight, fight until it is won. Meaning if you get beat up go after the guy who beat you up until you win or he refuses to fight you.

Even if it means you have to take more and more hits?

One of the two will happen, and I personally don't see the US losing this fight. I also see the countries that support terrorism (civilians and military) as needing a good ole ass-whipping.

Remember Vietnam... how conventional warfare failled against guerillas... same thing happens here. You can bomb countries and terrorist cells for years and not get them all... meanwhile you'll be creating more and more enemies.

If it means we play the part of school bully for a few months, so be it.

A few *more* months (in the view of your enemies)

--- - Dug. --- My other .sig is funny. ---

Wes Hutchings (12h & 3m)