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Re: Any Minolta/Sony users ...

SubjectRe: Any Minolta/Sony users using UFRaw and GIMP?
Date04/13/2014 15:34 (04/13/2014 09:34)
FollowsEric Stevens

In article <>, Eric Stevens <>wrote:

Eric Stevens
That I didn't know wavelets were already present in Photoshop is a consequence of their habit of giving names to features and functions which give no real guide as to what those features or functions might actually be doing. You will no doubt argue that this is OK as the average photoshop user will not be able to understand the mechanical workings of the software even if it is explained to them. They would rather know that such and such an effect can be achieved with the gizmo function and have no interest in knowing how it is done.

Exactly. That has been part of the point I have been attempting to make. Just because Adobe (and some others) have chosen not to give some features their geekiy and esoteric labels, doesn't mean they are not employed in their products.

Eric Stevens
Nor shouldyou take it for granted that they are present if there is no evidence of their presence.

if it concerns you, it's not hard to find out.

most people haven't any idea what wavelet means nor should they.

that's why photoshop is so capable. you don't need to be an image processing geek to use it, and for those who are image processing geeks, they can dig deeper and make it as complex as they want it to be. it works for users at all levels.