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Re: Any Minolta/Sony users ...

Tony Cooper
SubjectRe: Any Minolta/Sony users using UFRaw and GIMP?
FromTony Cooper
Date04/19/2014 17:46 (04/19/2014 11:46)
FollowupsSandman (2h & 56m) > Tony Cooper

On 19 Apr 2014 15:35:39 GMT, Sandman <>wrote:

This is just another proof for Tony's agenda - Savageduck has *also* voiced pro-Lightroom opinions about how it has made his workflow better, yet Tony didn't respond to Savageduck and claim his earlier methods were ineffective.

There's a world of difference between the Duck's comments and nospam's. The Duck provides specific information and in-depth comments about how he uses LR. He posts results of what he does.

nospam thinks *much better* is a specific.

Sorry about the rain during your vacation. I hope you can find something to do inside. Maybe you could visit a few more of the Florida B&H locations.

-- Tony Cooper - Orlando FL

Sandman (2h & 56m) > Tony Cooper