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Re: Apple Ad debate

SubjectRe: Apple Ad debate
Date07/05/2006 01:31 (07/04/2006 16:31)
FollowsSteve Carroll
FollowupsSteve Carroll (1h & 41m) > Snit
Sandman (6h & 28m) > Snit

"Steve Carroll" <>stated in post on 7/4/06 3:53 PM:

Steve Carroll
In article <>, Sandman <>wrote:


Yeah, I noticed. He's doing a lot of "ignore facts and make up a flase summary instead" lately.

Sandman fits his own trolling criteria: Unsubstantiated accusations

You will find substantiation here:

Look at Examples. They grow you know. It's only one so far, but the save-back function of the Trolling Criteria was just recently developed.

Steve Carroll
Nice *looking* page you have there, Sandman;)

Hey, Snit... you see this? <suppressing much laughter>

No doubt, Sandman's skills at making a page *look* better are improving... it is not a bad page in terms of visual design. Places where he has taken my advice to heart: * He is making much better use of white space * He is handling contrast much, much better. * His images are nor about 10 x larger than they need to be.

He really shows a large amount of improvement here... rather impressive, especially considering that I was rather vague with him. In the past he tried to improve and had mixed results, such as when he actually handled contrast *worse*. It is pretty clear that he is doing all he can to research what I have suggested for him - maybe even had someone in the industry help him.

There are, however, some areas where he still needs to improve: * He still has not considered printing * His HTML still does not validate: <> He has 11 errors just on that one page! * His CSS still does not validate: <> He has at least 2 errors

His navigation could use some work; getting to to the "front" of the section is listed twice; once on the left hand side in a rather prominent area and once not as prominently displayed on the bottom of his list of trolling criteria he fits into. Still, this is not a major problem... just an area for growth. Of slightly more concern is the multiple links to a secondary navigation page that adds little to the site. Why not have the main image link to the primary "Toll Criteria Sandman fits" page. For that matter, why Sandman should make it more clear he is talking about himself - though that is a comment about the text, not the overall design. Heck, his name shows up in a rather weak contrast area ... almost like he is ashamed to be talking about himself. Perhaps that is more telling than he wished it to be.

Hmmm, his navigation does not make good use of contrast - the colors to represent visited links and others are hard to tell apart. I bet many people would not even note there was a difference.

His main graphic is pretty good as well - quite attractive. The j does not fit in graphically and the top of the graphic is a bit "heavy". He also should play with the kerning a bit, especially on the "c" in Objective and the "T" in Troll, but that is a very minor concern all things considered.

As far as the actual look, though, it is pretty good. He might need to still work on his use of white space a little, such as his rather large space on the top of the page, but over all it is very attractive. Another concern is that he does not accommodate small screens well. He also might want to consider making the space between the columns and the space below the header be the same... as it is it looks a bit unbalanced... but that is admitted a bit of a nit. While I could continue to pick nits, overall the design simply is leaps and bounds ahead of what he showed before.

Frankly, it is enough of an improvement that I wonder if he had someone else design it for him. Either way, it is very much predictable that Sandman will simply not show the common decency to thank me for continuing to educate him.

-- ??Dreamweaver, being the #1 pro web design tool, is used by many pros ? Different viruses are still different even if in the same "family" ? OS X users are at far less risk of malware then are XP users

Steve Carroll (1h & 41m) > Snit
Sandman (6h & 28m) > Snit