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Re: Another step towards Wi...

SubjectRe: Another step towards Windows
Date09/02/2014 23:20 (09/02/2014 18:20)
FollowsLloyd Parsons
FollowupsLloyd Parsons (18m) > Nashton

On 2014-09-02 5:26 PM, Lloyd Parsons wrote:

Lloyd Parsons
On 2 Sep 2014 16:12, David Fritzinger wrote:

David Fritzinger
In article <>, Sandman <>wrote:

In article <>, David Fritzinger wrote:

David Fritzinger
Besides, there have been many times Mac advocates have criticized the look and feel of Windows, so saying that isn't a valid reason for Lloyd to switch seems a bit hypocritical to me.

How so? I have criticized the Windows "look" many times, but I still use it, don't I? The appearance of the Windows UI is not why I am using a Mac, and I don't think any Mac users feel that way. I.e. I don't think anyone switched to Macs because Windows isn't "pretty" enough.

David Fritzinger
Perhaps you aren't the best example. However, there have been many discussions in the past where the Windows UI was criticized and described as a reason not to use Windows.

I would agree with that. I am claiming it's not the ONLY reason, like Lloyd is claiming.

The look and feel of any computing platform is pretty important, but I think it's misdirected to pick your computing platform based only on the "look" part of what should be a long list of parameters.

David Fritzinger
I agree that there are many things to be taken into consideration when choosing a computing or device platform. However, to Lloyd, there just aren't that many differences in how the two platforms operate (I might disagree, but I have to admit that I have little experience using any Windows OS's past XP). So, all things being equal, or nearly so, as they seem to be to Lloyd, the look and feel of the OS could well be the deciding factor.

Lloyd Parsons
You know not many months ago I would have fully agreed with you. The Only use I had with Win8 was on my Acer laptop that just sat there Running Playon and not much else. Didn't care for Win8 on the laptop And still don't.

But then on a whim I got the Surface Pro. After using it awhile, I Found I actually liked it as a tablet/touch notebook better than I did My iPad. It just seemed to be 'right' for that use. The more I used it, there better I liked it. But I still did my few spreadsheets and Other docs on the MBPr, did the music engraving and checkbook manager There also.

But more and more time was being spent on the SP than on the MBPr.

Along came the keynote at the WWDC with all those announcements and Things were looking good on those projection screens. Most of the Things that were ooo'd and ahhh'd over by the crowd were things that Didn't matter to me and still don't.

...and probably don't matter to most people.

Then I got my hands on the Yosemite beta. And that's when I found out I didn't like it for the reasons I have stated. Could I stick with it And find it useful? Sure. But I didn't like it!! Just because you Can get used to hanging if you just hang long enough isn't a good Reason to do it! :)

At least when SJ was around, he could contain Ive's outrageous ideas. Now Ive's is going to town with his colors schemes and ideas. The caretaker in charge probably has left him carte blanche to do whatever he pleases. Pretty soon we'll be seeing USB ports under Macs, as to not take away from the form of the computer. LOL

The ecosystems surrounding OSX/iOS, Windows8.x/WP8.x are similar in Most ways these days with the differences in them being very slight.

Rubbish. You can run anything on a surface Pro, from "Metro" to tablet apps and are not bound at *all* by *any* notion of any ecosystem.

One of the biggest irritants with Windows is that some apps in the 'modern UI' don't actually share data with desktop apps. Coming from Apple, that seems kind of idiotic.

How can that be? There isn't a single device that integrate both the desktop and iOS version of Apple's apps. What are you talking about?

For instance, Outlook the program does not share contacts with 'People' the modern UI version of contacts. And Skype is worse. Skype desktop doesn't share contacts with Skype modern UI. In the 'modern UI' you use 'people', pick a contact and then tell it to Skype. Seems asinine to do it that way.

But you can do it if you have an exchange account. Don't forget this is a business/enterprise application.

MS still has work to do on the ecosystem.