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Re: Snit Socks Coming Out O...

SubjectRe: Snit Socks Coming Out Of The Wood Work
Date11/30/2015 15:53 (11/30/2015 09:53)
PGPAndrzej Matuch
FollowupsSnit (18m)
Steve Carroll (1h & 24m) > Slimer

On 2015-11-30 9:37 AM, cc wrote:

On Thursday, November 26, 2015 at 10:27:42 AM UTC-5, Snit wrote:

I know I seek out those who think differently than I do so I can gain a broader perspective.

Your "broader perspective" has you generalizing that conservatives are racist, insular, support terrorism, are evil, are not compassionate, etc. I have not found that to be the case, in general. Lately you seem to apply the same to Christians, which I also have not found to be the case.

of my Conservative money, per month, goes to supporting a variety of causes. I can guarantee you that the bleeding heart Muhammad Al-Snit Prescott Computer Guy doesn't give a penny to anyone and probably only donates a can of Chef Boyardee every Christmas. Even though I'm Conservative, I help out everywhere I can and even though I don't particularly like them, I probably help Muslims to feel more welcome at work than anyone else in the building. Conservative generally means Christian and the latter obligates you to be as good of a person as you can be in practise, not only _speak_ nice things as most Liberals do.

With your denigration and generalizations you're really no different than the people you are attempting to put down.

Liberals disgust me, especially with their lack of faith. They can be atheists all that they want but I have no reason to share their beliefs or to even respect them. With all that I know about my faith, the one true faith, I will not tolerate parasites like Muhammad Al-Snit Prescott Terrorist Guy saying anything negative about it.

I can only hope that he will eventually find religion and realize how idiotic being an atheist is but I'm convinced that it's already too late and that they have already found a comfortable spot for him in the lake of eternal fire... where he will continue to troll.

-- Slimer EFF & OpenMedia member / IFAW & PETA supporter Wretched Stallman says: "Only YOU can prevent Snit's leftist, atheist propaganda machine."

"I am clearly quite ethical / moral." - Snit, lying shamelessly, November 24th, 2015 <>

Snit (18m)
Steve Carroll (1h & 24m) > Slimer