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Re: Snit Socks Coming Out O...

SubjectRe: Snit Socks Coming Out Of The Wood Work
Date12/01/2015 08:34 (12/01/2015 08:34)
FollowupsSnit (7h & 51m) > Sandman

In article <>, Snit wrote:

<note: Snit snipped the quote in question>

Slimer started by saying someone with morals and values would not "submit" to anxiety...

Nope, he still didn't.

Let me guess: you will win your "point" if someone claims to agree

There is no "winning", and there is no "point". You made a claim that was incorrect, and that's all.

Indeed. It should be in any person's interest not see him- or herself as a victim and let others suffer from it.

Sure. But having such an illness DOES impact most people's families.

No one has claimed it doesn't.

If one does not "submit" to a health issue and it does not impact them, then it will not impact others.

No one has talked about "impacting" others.

For the most part I agree... though such illnesses can lead to people, even doing their best, treating others poorly or being more dependant than they want to be. This is also true of many other illnesses.

But the people around you will know if you're making an effort, if you're doing your best to contain and control your problem.

Generally true. Sure.

Living with someone with mental issues is always going to take a poll on you, but the person WITH the mental illness should always want their loved ones to feel that you made every effort to not let it affect them. Some things are out of your control, but many things are IN your control.

No argument here... and well worded.

Slimer obviously feels you're not exercising that control on USENET, and blames you for it.

One: he has little idea what health issues I have (though I have shared some... and there is older info Carroll brings up which is not longer current / accurate).

That is of no relevancy. He is aware that you have a mental illness (that you are now comparing to PTSD) and feels you are not exercising control over it when posting to usenet.

Two: he has not listed a single comment of mine which there is any blame to take! How can he blame me for an act he cannot even show... esp. in a text forum where my every comment is archived?

Whether or not he has "listed" anything is irrelevant, he has expressed his feelings about your behavior in relation to your condition. You may disagree with his opinion as much as you like, but that's his opinion, and he needn't "list" anything for it to be valid.

Who I convince? What? Heck, most of those who troll me in COLA do so just to troll.

Again, according to you. Also something you've yet to convince another living person of, right?

What? Not what I said at all.

Why no answer to the question?

See, when you say something like the above, it's only one little voice in a sea of voices that disagree with you.

Something you have no evidence for.

Also, no "evidence" to the contrary. I am just stating an observed situation. You have one opinion in a given subject, and then there are multiple people in the same subject disagreeing with that opinion. Do you have examples of the opposite?

Remember: what people *claim* in COLA and CSMA need not be what they actually believe.

I suppose this is true for your claims as well, then?

-- Sandman

Snit (7h & 51m) > Sandman