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Re: I've seen LOTR

SubjectRe: I've seen LOTR
Date01/28/2002 20:02 (01/28/2002 19:02)
FollowsOliver J. Hanau

On Mon, 28 Jan 2002 19:13:16 +0100, Oliver J. Hanau <>wrote:

Oliver J. Hanau
Rimrunner wrote:

The fun thing for me is, I've read the books once, about fifteen years ago when I was in eighth grade or so. I barely remember what an ent is, but I have absolutely no idea anymore what is going to happen in parts 2 & three.

Well, then, I shan't spoil it for you. Suffice to say, lots of stuff happens.

Oliver J. Hanau
It had better, on 900 pages.

Don't worry, you're about to get to good stuff.

So far, in chapter 2 of Book Three, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli are running. And running. When I had to get off the subway, they were about to discuss whether they should rest or not.

Just wait till they get to Helm's Deep...that's a bit I can't wait to see in the movie.

(I'm not as annoyed as that may sound; at least Tolkien's hard-on for Elves doesn't show as often as it did between Bree and Amon Hen.)

(Start at the bottom and scroll up.)

-g, speaking of hard-ons for elves... -- WORDS FOR SALE: "An artist's expression is his soul made apparent." -- Bruce Lee