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Re: I've seen LOTR

Oliver J. Hanau
SubjectRe: I've seen LOTR
FromOliver J. Hanau
Date01/28/2002 19:13 (01/28/2002 19:13)
FollowupsRimrunner (48m)

Rimrunner wrote:

Oliver J. Hanau
The fun thing for me is, I've read the books once, about fifteen years ago when I was in eighth grade or so. I barely remember what an ent is, but I have absolutely no idea anymore what is going to happen in parts 2 & three.

Well, then, I shan't spoil it for you. Suffice to say, lots of stuff happens.

It had better, on 900 pages.

So far, in chapter 2 of Book Three, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli are running. And running. When I had to get off the subway, they were about to discuss whether they should rest or not.

(I'm not as annoyed as that may sound; at least Tolkien's hard-on for Elves doesn't show as often as it did between Bree and Amon Hen.)

Oli"keen are the eyes of the Elves"ver.