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Re: I've seen LOTR

Bill Anderson
SubjectRe: I've seen LOTR
FromBill Anderson
Date01/20/2002 17:56 (01/20/2002 11:56)

Tucci wrote:

Bill Anderson <>:

Bill Anderson
Yeah...but throw in Legolas shooting those arrows, and Hobbitkids giggling over fireworks, and Arwen fleeing the ringwraiths, and reely big stone statues, and horses made of water, and Boromir's last words, and second breakfast, and (as you say) Galdalf talking to Frodo about what we do with the time we have, and beds filled with feather pillows, and magical mystical villages that are almost but not quite as enchanting as some in TPM, and the mines of Moria, and lovers in the moonlight, and Sauron swinging that club, and a perfectly-realized Gollum, and the Balrog's whip, and set design filled to overflowing with unexplained but not-insignificant details, and, and, and,....oh, did I mention Legolas shooting those arrows?

I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the film, Bill. Rich Handley Spam Avoider

Yep. Huge disappointment.