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Re: The Lone Alien theory

Keith Hazelwood
SubjectRe: The Lone Alien theory
FromKeith Hazelwood
Date07/15/2001 20:29 (07/15/2001 20:29)
FollowupsCovenant (15m) > Keith Hazelwood

On Sun, 15 Jul 2001 17:23:28 +0100, "Covenant" <>wrote:

Because, unlike their blood, a second mode of reproduction is unnecessary.

They've got ONE set of jaws.. another in their tongue is unnecessary...

They've got SIX fingers?? How unnecessary... They've got six toes?? How unnecessary...

All true. The difference is, we KNOW they have six digits on each limb. We KNOW they have jaws in their tongues. We're forced to accept this because, like it or not, it's been enshrined into canon, just as the dog alien from A3 and the newborn from AR have. Granted, some of these non-necessities are harder to swallow than others (some being downright loathsome), but at least they have the virtue of being official.

If, in our own little natural world, a frog can change sex when there are no males around in the breeding vicinity, then I think an alien being able to make an egg from a living victim isn't *too* much of a stretch...

The fact that it's a stretch at all, while serving to explain nothing, is what I object to.

Keith "This crime called blasphemy was invented by priests, for the purpose of defending doctrines not able to take care of themselves." -Robert Ingersoll