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Re: LotR is Unrealistic!

David K. Wall
SubjectRe: LotR is Unrealistic!
FromDavid K. Wall
Date01/17/2002 03:20 (01/17/2002 03:20)
Follows?jevind L?ng
FollowupsFlame of the West (5h & 58m)
?jevind L?ng (7h & 3m)
21st.Centuryboy (8h & 46m)

"?jevind L?ng" <>wrote:

?jevind L?ng
I want to complain at the fact that nowhere in the book are any Rohirrim given kitchen duty for turning up too late at roll call. That is a common occurrence in real armies and *should* have been included.

LotR is fantasy, right? You don't seem to have a problem with elves, wizards, dragons, wraiths, magic rings, hobbits, ents, orcs, dwarves, and so on, so why worry about warriors who actually want to fight, and show up on time?

You want realism? Think about the less-wealthy Galadhrim who live in the lower parts of the trees, and have to put up with Celeborn and pals pissing off the edge of the flet. (or worse) "Oh you uncultured hobbits! We have the latest in healthful open-air plumbing!" (On the other hand, maybe they get a peek up Galadriel's dress occasionally.)

Which brings me to the Ring. Gollum lived for centuries with it, it extended Bilbo's life, and Frodo was well-preserved, as if he were still 33. Why? It's the Ring of Regularity! Sauron was constipated, and he WANTED IT BACK!

And you're worried about no-one pulling KP. Phooey.

(I didn't think you were really serious, so I didn't see why I should be, either.)

-- David Wall - "When the end of the world comes, I want to be in Cincinnati. Everything happens ten years later there." -- Mark Twain

Flame of the West (5h & 58m)
?jevind L?ng (7h & 3m)
21st.Centuryboy (8h & 46m)