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Re: spreadsheet ergonomics

SubjectRe: spreadsheet ergonomics
Date04/06/2017 04:44 (04/06/2017 02:44)
FollowupsDFS (11h & 7m) > owl

DFS <>wrote:

On 4/5/2017 5:17 PM, owl wrote:


zero to 52000 tables in 2.57 seconds. Each with locked labels and formulas. Instantaneous jump to any table.

hot damn!

1.4 million tables in a just over a minute. This is in bash.


Still working with this, and there's some extra vars in there for future use. "max" is set a 2000 and holds the number of tables you want in each column, and it runs from a-zz, for a total 702*2000 such tables (0-1403999). So just change max to whatever you want. A value max=1 gives 702 tables, one each in columns a-zz. I may change the naming scheme. Right now it's just sequential.

#!/bin/bash echo "set numeric extfun craction=1 color colorerr" echo "format A:ZZ 25 2 0" lets=( a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ) cols=($(for (( i=0; i<26; i++ ));do echo -n "${lets[${i}%26]} "; done)) cols+=( $(for (( i=0; i<26; i++ ));do for (( j=0; j<26; j++ ));do echo -n "${lets[${i}%26]}${lets[${j}%26]} " done done) ) k=0 l=0 b=1 e=$((b+4)) s=$((e+9)) n=$((s+1)) j=0 x=0 f=0 max=2000 for (( i=0;i<${max};i++ ));do for((x=0,f=k;x<${#cols[@]};x++,f+=${max}));do echo "rightstring ${cols[x]}${l}=\"table${f}\"" echo "lock ${cols[x]}${l}" echo "let ${cols[x]}${s}=@sum(${cols[x]}${b}:${cols[x]}${e})" echo "lock ${cols[x]}${s}" done ((k++)) ((l+=n)) ((b+=n)) ((e+=n)) ((s+=n)) done anon@lowtide:~/code/sc/mktables$

run it with ./mktables >

Then open the file in sc. go to a specific table with:

g "table35014$"

It's treated as a regex, and the $ keeps it from matching with table340145 or whatever.

I might try it in C and see if I can get it down to a few seconds per million.

Looking at your vid, a 'table' appears to be an 11-row by 1-column name-defined range in an sc sheet.

The whole file is one "table" to sc. My tables here are just cell labels above a column add section, so it's not really a named range. Just a cell label. (sc has named ranges, though). You can jump to a cell label with "g <regex>". Labels and formulas are locked.

Max in Excel 2003 would be approx 1.525M 'tables': (65536 rows x 256 columns) / 11.

Public Sub createtables()

Const MAXROWS = 65535 Const MAXCOLS = 256 Dim startTime As Date, endTime As Date Dim row As Long, col As Integer Dim tblcnt As Long, tablesize As Integer row = 1 col = 1 tblCount = 1 tblSize = 11

startTime = Timer For col = 1 To MAXCOLS For row = 1 To (MAXROWS - tblSize) Step tblSize Cells(row, col).Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Table" & tblCount ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Table" & tblCount, _ RefersToR1C1:=Chr(col + 64) & row & ":" & Chr(col + 64) & (row + tblSize) Cells(row + tblSize - 1, col).Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[-10]C:R[-1]C)" tblCount = tblCount + 1 If Timer - startTime >15 Then Debug.Print tblCount & " tables in 15 seconds" Exit Sub End If Next row Next col endTime = Timer Debug.Print tblCount & " tables in " & Format(endTime - startTime, "0.0") & " seconds"

End Sub

Results: 5169 tables in 15 seconds

(note: it's not perfect - the range definitions are set for the correct range of cells, but they're surrounded by quotes, like ="F12:F23" so you can't use goto TableN. My bug and I don't care to fix it. The SUM formula is correct, though)

Or I could try it in Python to see how slow I could make it.

The way to think about python speed is this: the code is purty.

heh, purty is in the eye of the beholder. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to get Relf to switch to python.

Good article here - not about python

You could be a heavyweight contender in the sc event in the Owlympics.

I've got enough on my plate already, what with managing Bohemian Grove and suing pornographic comic book publishers...

I understand. I'm busy preparing my Ted talk ("Usenet addiction: healthier than cocaine?") for later this month, and kidnapping neighbors' dogs for ransom.

DFS (11h & 7m) > owl