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Re: Colonial Photo & Hobby

SubjectRe: Colonial Photo & Hobby
Date04/19/2014 22:39 (04/19/2014 22:39)
FollowsTony Cooper
FollowupsEric Stevens (2h & 9m)
Tony Cooper (4h & 14m) > Sandman

In article <>, Tony Cooper wrote:

B&H's camera section was tiny. I wasn't talking about the entire store, just as I didn't include the size of the entire Colonial store either, since it's some 70% hobby things like model airplanes and such.

Tony Cooper
A blatant lie.

I don't lie, and you know I am happy to substantiate my claims. It was an estimate, and a positive one. Here is the store layout:

As you can see, 30% was way too generous, the camera section, that has cameras, lenses, camera bags and studio equipment is only 16% of the entire store floor. If you were to include photo-related areas such as framing and film development, you get 28% of the total store. For the record - I didn't include it when I was in reference to the "camera section". So my estimate was off, and right on target if we were to include the other parts I wasn't in reference to.

Will Tony apologize now for calling me a liar, and will he remember this in the future, that I always substantiate my claims?

He'll probably just snip this or ignore itthough.

wasn't "massive", but sure, it's a big store. MediaMarkt in Europe is bigger though, at least that the one in the Loop. BUt, I was only in reference to their tiny camera section, which had some 5-6 SLR bodies, some 10+ P&S and some other assorted cameras.

The camera section in our local MediaMarkt is about five times as big as B&H's camera section, with probably 30+ SLR bodies on display and too many P&S to count. It has huge Nikon, Sony and Canon stalls with tons of cameras, lenses and accessories.

Tony Cooper
Yes, you have a camera store that carries more cameras than a Best Buy. Who would have guessed?

Why would anyone ever guess anything related to this. All I said is that I thought BH had a tiny camera section. I have no idea why this is a problem for you. I'm sure there are B&H's that have larger camera sections as well. In what way does this affect you in ANY capacity?

But, can you buy beach towels, diapers, sun screen, extension cords, and garden implements in your camera store?

MediaMarkt isn't a camera store. Neither is B&H, so I'm not sure what camera store you're comparing with here.

I didn't see any of the above at the B&H at the loop either, except for extension cords. As a store, it was very comparable to MediaMarkt, with a home video section, gaming section, computer section, camera section, audio/video section and so on.

-- Sandman[.net]

Eric Stevens (2h & 9m)
Tony Cooper (4h & 14m) > Sandman