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Re: post processing

SubjectRe: post processing
Date03/14/2014 23:22 (03/14/2014 18:22)
Followupsnospam (42m)

On 3/14/2014 11:08 AM, nospam wrote:

In article <>, Tony Cooper <>wrote:

"The competent LR5 user is going to be able to survive quite well without invoking PS."

even for not so competent users.

the number of tasks for which photoshop (any version) is needed that can't be done in lightroom grows smaller all the time.

Tony, I am about to agree with nospam!

Tony Cooper
I would agree with it, too. The statement, however, doesn't imply that PS will no longer be needed by all. It's also getting to the point where for which the full version of Photoshop is not needed because so much can be done in Elements.

which goes back to what i said a month ago.

Tony Cooper
Yet, you and I just signed up for CC just for those extra features that are not included in LR or Elements.

Frankly, I am somewhat puzzled about why people like nospam, and even you, try so hard to convince everyone that Lightroom is the panacea of photo editing. I get why you like it, but I don't get why you continually imply - if not aver - that those of us who are aren't on the bandwagon are doing something wrong.

panacea is another one of your twisty words.

lightroom is *extremely* useful and fits the needs of a huge number of users, which is why it's so popular and should be the first app to start with unless there's specific needs otherwise.

based on your description of how you use lightroom, you're using it wrong, so you don't see just how capable it really is.

Tony Cooper
We are doing what we feel comfortable in doing, whether it's continuing to use a CS version or Gimp, and most of us are turning out some pretty decent stuff in doing so. Any failings in output are more failings in input from when we push the shutter button.

in other words, 'we don't want to look at alternatives'.

Tony Cooper
Nospam's positions about effort and productivity are patently bullshit. The issue isn't about a production shop where there are deadlines and cost issues. It's about individuals pursuing a hobby.

it's not bullshit at all.

a hobby is far more enjoyable when one is more productive. why make more work for oneself when the computer can do it for you?

Which is exactly why I use Photoshop CC. The color adjustments, (including, but not limited to, curve reversal,) in LAB take a fraction of the time they would take using any other technique.

-- PeterN

nospam (42m)