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Re: converting raw images f...

Eric Stevens
SubjectRe: converting raw images from Canon EOS 600D
FromEric Stevens
Date12/03/2013 00:12 (12/03/2013 12:12)
FollowupsSandman (7h & 22m) > Eric Stevens

On 2 Dec 2013 12:31:55 GMT, Sandman <>wrote:

In article <>, Eric Stevens wrote:

Eric Stevens
Eh! Certainly not, at least if you go back to the beginning and follow their structure as they developed.

Oh! Certainly not! Come on Eric! You followed their structure as they developed? Unix isn't arcane?

Eric Stevens
Not for me, at least not in those days when I remembered what it was all about.

arcane understood by few; mysterious or secret

While UNIX may not be very "mysterious" and certainly not "secret", it is definately something understood by few. And even if you want to count yourself into those few, that doesn't make UNIX any less arcane.

Or more arcane. It's just that at the time I encountered it I didn't find it arcane. You are welcome to your own view of it.

OSX isn't a Unix based graphical interface OS?

Eric Stevens
The graphical interface has little/nothing to do with the fact that it is based on UNIX.

This is true for any graphical user interface. Or to put it another way; What GUI does have a lot to do with the fact that it is based on UNIX, Eric?

I'm not sure quite what you are trying to get me to say.

Development of OSX started with NeXT. It is UNIX 03 certified and Darwin compliant and once you head back to Terminal and the Command line it is as arcane and geeky as can be, or you could possibly want it to be.

Eric Stevens
Thatt's only if you come into it from the side.

"side"? I don't understand what you mean by "side" here. Could you please elaborate?

It's like a train. If you see it from the beginning you can watch it develop car by car. If you come in from the side you are confronted with the whole mysterious thing at once. The fundamental concepts underlying Unix are very simple and logical and that is where you have to start. --


Eric Stevens

Sandman (7h & 22m) > Eric Stevens