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Re: Paintshop and Corel

Tony Cooper
SubjectRe: Paintshop and Corel
FromTony Cooper
Date11/25/2013 17:32 (11/25/2013 11:32)
FollowupsSandman (14h & 13m) > Tony Cooper

On 25 Nov 2013 15:40:37 GMT, Sandman <>wrote:

In article <>, Tony Cooper wrote:

not really, and that link is titled 'what is your backup plan', not 'what is your backup protocol'.

i've been in the tech industry for a few decades, i have not heard the term 'backup protocol'. it's normally called 'backup strategy' or 'backup plan', which your link confirms in its title.

I use the term "protocol" in many different situations including referring to my back-up plan, method, etc. as my "Back-up protocol" especially when it comes to back-up on a road trip. Then I have referred to it as my "Triple Redundant Back-up Protocol" when using my Colorspace UDMA, MBP, & FW800 1TB portable HDD. I have written that in these photo NGs many times

That's my interpretation of the term as well, that a "backup protocol" is something you execute manually. LIke you when on the road, you have a backup protocol (written down or in your head) of the steps you have to take to ensure that your data is backed up correctly.

Tony Cooper
A "protocol" is the standard way something is done. While you may determine the steps in your head, it isn't a protocol until it's initiated and put into place. The fact that you initiate certain steps manually doesn't change anything. If you manually change the back-up to go to device B instead of device A, you are still following the protocol because the protocol says you must manually designate a change in destination devices.

So you are talking about "the hard way"; manual when you are talking about this suppose "back-up protocol"?

What are you trying to say? That doesn't make sense.

A protocol is an established standard way of doing something. It can include manual steps. The Lightroom back-up protocol is that the LR file will be backed-up to whatever drive I specify at whatever frequency I specify. I can change the drive and the frequency manually. I can set it once and let it automatically follow that setting in the future.

What's so hard to understand about that?

Tony Cooper
How do you think an "automatic" process comes to be? Someone first decides what the process will be, and then writes it into the system.

So... that makes it manual to you, Tony? It is automatic to the one using it.

Ahh...there we go. "It is automatic to the one using it." This is the Humpty Dumpty definition of words. "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less." (Alice in Wonderland)

Thanks for providing the silliness I expected from you.

-- Tony Cooper - Orlando FL

Sandman (14h & 13m) > Tony Cooper